crafting a fresh look for .NET Multi-Platform App UI

Build native, cross-platform desktop and mobile apps all in one framework.

hero hero
status quo

dotnet MAUI

a new cross-platform UI framework inspired by Xamarin.Forms. It expands beyond mobile platforms and makes developers more productive by using the latest .NET.

sounds great, right? yet this is the logo for .NET MAUI

hero hero
starting point

an Evolution of Xamarin.Forms

let's start our redesign journey by taking a closer look at the visual identity of Xamarin.

beloved Xamagon

The Xamarin logo features the stylized letter X centered in a hexagon shape with rounded corners. The use of blue color gives a innovative technical yet friendly vibe. The design balances simplicity and boldness, making it easily recognizable and memorable in the crowded tech landscape.

Xamarin Logo

The Xamagon

it's the official logo of Xamarin. It's a combination of the letter X on a rounded cornered hexagon.

Xamarin Logo rounded corners

Rounded Corners

From small to large - rounded corners are a repeating pattern in the Xamagon logo.

colored versions of the Xamagon

#3498db but universal

blueish is the most common version of the Xamagon, but its versatility shines in any hue.

the challenge

design a new logo for .NET MAUI that is simple, memorable, and versatile.

No Text

A text-free logo allows for greater flexibility in size, placement, and application, and relies on iconic visual elements to convey the brand identity.


well-known elements in a logo can establish instant recognition and evoke emotions, making the brand more memorable and relatable to the audience.


strategic color usage can modernize a brand's image, increase recognition and recall, and communicate a brand's evolution and relevance to stand out from competitors.

our solution

combine modern colors from the .NET branding with well-known graphical elements from the beloved Xamarin era.

The X

we took apart the X from the Xamagon and made it the main element of the new logo. By slicing the X in half, we got a shape that is similar to angle brackets <> which make it a perfect symbol for a technology context.


with no text and a simple shape, the new logo can be used in many different contexts - digital, print, and even on physical products.


blue purple, indigo, violet heart, chrysler, iris - this hex code has many names - it's the primary color for the .NET branding and a good fit for the new MAUI logo. The palette includes shades that are already used in UI elements.


may we present... the characters M, A, U, I perfectly assembling to form our version of the .NET MAUI logo!

every detail matters

we kept the main element of the Xamagon and used it several times in the redesign. This makes the logo recognizable and Xamarin enthusiasts will feel right at home.

We looked closely at the details like corner radius and spacing to make sure the logo looks great in any size and context.

This redesign works well both in color and monochrome, ensuring easy recognition and accessibility.

ready for the real and digital world

suits every hue

that's it from us, thank you for scrolling this far. If you like this redesign, please share it!

like what you see?